October is National Home Security Month

National Home Secrurity MonthA recent infographic about home security, produced by Sainbury’s Bank has come to our attention. Morris Locksmiths feel that this data is extremely relevant in October as it is Yale’s National Home Security Month (NHSM). Each week the NHSM program will be looking at different aspects of security and offering helpful hints and tips.

The five weeks of NHSM are planned as follows:

  • Week 1 (starting 28th September) – National Home Security Month: An introduction to the annual scheme and solutions for keeping your family, home and possessions safe.
  • Week 2 (starting 5th October) – Lock it up! Helpful information regarding door and window locks will be on offer.
  • Week 3 (starting 12th October) – Keep it protected: Different solutions will be offered regarding how to keep the valuables in your home safe.
  • Week 4 (starting 19th October) – The great outdoors: How to ensure that the outside of your home and all outbuildings are as secure as possible.
  • Week 5 (starting 26th October) – Smart Home Security: A look at the latest security gadgets that are available.


Many of the aspects that the NHSM program will be detailing, are touched upon in the infographic below. The information includes helpful tips regarding the outside of your home, such as burglar alarms, outdoor lighting and CCTV systems. Internal security is also looked at in the infographic. Areas of home security for the inside of your property include: Doors and windows, lighting and how you can integrate your computer, for securing your belongings.

Home Security Infographic

If you should require any further advice on home security and crime prevention, then please do not hesitate to get in contact with Morris Locksmiths on  01257 263933 / 07984 672382 or alternatively you can email us enquiries@lancashire-locksmith.co.uk

With thanks to Sainsbury’s Bank, for the use of the infographic.

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